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National Take Your Cat to Vet Day

By Wendy Rose Gould
published: August 22, 2017 - updated: August 15, 2022 • 2 min. read
cat vet

Last updated Aug. 15, 2022

Every August 22, pet parents around the US are reminded – it’s time to make the trek to the vet for their cat’s much-needed annual checkup. Unless you’ve been graced with a cat who enjoys this process (hey, it does happen!) it can be a stressful event for everyone involved. However, while it may not be your, or your feline’s, favorite day of the year, National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day is one that will help your kitty stay happy and healthy for all those other days of the year.

Why Regular Cat Checkups Are Important

Just like we schedule routine visits to the dentist and the family doctor, our cats need annual checkups to maintain their health. Sadly, according to a collaborative study, pet parents aren’t taking their cats to the vet nearly as often as they should be. In fact, over half aren’t getting their annual checkup – a number much higher than it is for dogs – and they’re often only taken when something really seems off.

National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day aims to increase the frequency with which cats are taken to the vet. Annual visits can prevent illness and disease, and they allow your vet to treat any issues that may be present. Since cats are good at hiding their pain, it’s possible that something could be wrong without you knowing. Finally, not only does an annual checkup help your cat feel healthy and happy, it can also be less expensive in the long run. Treating a serious ailment is often more expensive than preventing it.


What to Expect

If it’s been a while since your kitty’s last vet visit – or if this is your first ring around the rodeo – you might not know what to expect.

  • A regular checkup consists of a physical exam. Your cat will be weighed, his temperature will be taken, and your vet will make sure your cat is free of parasites.
  • If your cat is due for vaccinations, the vet may choose to administer these during the checkup, or you can schedule these for a future appointment. You can discuss this with your vet on the phone before your visit.
  • After the exam, your vet will either give your kitty a clean bill of health or suggest some follow-up treatments. For example, they may recommend a teeth cleaning or kitty cavity removal, lab work, a blood panel, an X-Ray, or something similar. These things are more likely to be required as your kitty ages.

How to Get Involved

It’s pretty simple to get involved with National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day; simply call your local vet and schedule an appointment. While it’s not necessarily the date that matters, it’s more so a reminder that even kitties need to see the vet regularly. Also, take this moment to enroll in pet insurance before any pre-existing conditions will be excluded from your coverage; you simply never know when an accident or illness can arise.

wendy gould
By Wendy Rose Gould

Wendy Rose Gould is a freelance lifestyle reporter based in Phoenix, Arizona. She has been in journalism for over a decade, and has been freelancing almost that entire time. In addition to lifestyle reporting, she also works with brands to create marketing content for their websites and blogs.

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