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Hilarious Texts Your Dog Would Send If He Could

By Cuteness Team
published: November 22, 2018 - updated: August 29, 2022 • 1 min. read
dog holding blue iphone

When he needs a little bit of cheer in his life:

example text from a dog about tennis ball

Credit: @texts_fromdog/Instagram


When his separation anxiety gets to be too much:

example text from dog about owner being gone

Credit: @texts_fromdog/Instagram

When he’s sure he’s right (and he’s always right):

screenshot of text about dog peeing on the bed

Credit: @quotzy_girl123/Instagram

When he decides to let you know that what’s yours is his:

screenshot of text with dog brushing its teeth


And when he reminds you about what’s really important:

screenshot of lots of texts from dog

Credit: @tiffypie/Instagram

Want to learn more about your pup? Check out Do Dogs Have Feelings?, How Dogs Communicate Using Touch, and Ways Dogs Communicate With Their Paws at!

This article is provided by Cuteness—the go to destination for passionate pet parents. Cuteness has answers to all of your health, training, and behavior questions – as well as the cutest, funniest, and most inspiring pet stories from all over the world.

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By Cuteness Team

Cuteness is the place for pet people. Whether you’re looking for adoption guides, in-fur-mation on your pet’s weird habits or showcases of pure pet cuteness, we’ve paw-sitively got it all. At Cuteness, we’re committed to working only with experts we’d trust with our own pets. We’ve done the legwork for you so you can focus your energy on loving and caring for your furry friends. We’re passionate about all things pet and fostering a community of pet lovers. Caring for pets isn’t always a walk in the park – but we’ve got you covered! Cuteness and Healthy Paws Pet Insurance had a content sharing agreement until 2021.

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